
Quote of the Day

Gus10/29/2010 3:46:14 pm PDT

Yes. The wingers are always whining about ACORN, SEIU, and other fabrications of voter fraud. Now look at this:

‘Operation Alaska Chaos’: Right-Wingers Pushed Flood Of AK-SEN Write-In Candidates

The flood of write-in candidates in the Alaska Senate race was pushed by Big Government’s Dan Riehl and the conservative group Conservatives 4 Palin in an attempt to hurt Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s own write-in campaign and give Republican nominee (and tea party favorite) Joe Miller a boost.

Beginning on Riehl’s Big Government blog and dubbed “Operation Alaska Chaos” by C4P, Miller supporters were encouraged to file as write-in candidates so Murkowski’s name would be buried on the official list of candidates. It worked.

Things had been going well for Murkowski’s campaign, with the Alaska Supreme Court this week overturning a lower court’s ruling that would have prevented voters from seeing a list of write-in candidates when they go to the polls. Now it seems that might have been a mixed blessing for Murkowski.

The filing deadline for write-in candidates was yesterday, and the full list came out today, with well over 100 names.


Dan Riehl and Big Government promoting unethical activities. What a surprise.