
Seth Meyers Takes a Closer Look at the President and His GOP Allies Floating a Ludicrous Conspiracy Theory That Ukraine Interfered in the 2016 Election

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))11/26/2019 6:09:31 am PST

re: #103 HappyWarrior

And Trump thinks he’s done nothing wrong. He gets babied by the fact that Congressional Republicans rightfully see him as a moron but instead of standing up to him, they enable him.

In the end, I think the whistleblower might have refrained if Trump had not been so blatantly heavy-handed about the quid pro quo with Ukraine.

He could have easily built some layers of deniability into it, simply asking Ukraine to step up its investigations of corruption and perhaps mentioning that the Bidens might be worth looking into, etc, but he just just lean on Zelinsky like a mafia heavy.

Professional diplomats could not just sit idly by and watch him make such a mockery of diplomacy and so egregiously abuse his influence.