
Overnight Open Thread

Salamantis9/26/2009 1:36:48 am PDT

re: #98 UncleSam

NAZI is the acronym (in German) for National Socialist Workers’ Party.
The full name was actually National Socialist German Workers’ Party, but they left out the German (or Deutscher) part so it would make a snazzier acronym.

Notice the ‘National” part; this is because fascisms in general, being justified by racial supremacy, tend to be blood-and-soil movements, and thus tied to a particular tribal homeland geography. Sure, they’ll conquer other geographies and the races found there, but always with an eye to first subjugating them, and then exterminating and supplanting them with the One Pure Blood, because people cannot change their races.

Communism and the various theocracies, otoh, are international in their ambitions, because people of all races can be religiously or politically/ideologically converted, and extermination is reserved for those obdurate individuals of any race who stubbornly refuse to be proselytized or re-educated into the One True Faith or the One True System.