
And Now the Creationism Movie, "A Matter of Faith"

EPR-radar5/01/2014 6:59:36 pm PDT

re: #96 austin_blue

Well, yes. Also on a pedantic note, the Judeo-Christian God is presented as omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. This gives Him the ability to hear every prayer of every parent with a dying child. Unfortunately, especially before advances in medical science, He almost always said “NO.”

Which made Him, pretty much, the Biggest Asshole in the Universe. And in most of the world today, He hasn’t changed his tune.

In that narrative, the creator is also personally responsible for creating all the woes of the world, including such lovely examples as bot flies, Guinea worms, and various nasty pathogens.

I know that this is all supposed to be punishment for original sin, but that explanation doesn’t really help at all.