
Michele Bachmann: I Outsmarted Progressives With Evidence-Based Arguments

goddamnedfrank12/18/2014 1:09:38 pm PST

I’m going to label what Chuck does as “claim jumping.” Trend it, make it a thing.

What he does is deliberately jump from one issue to another, making outrageous, deliberately cock-necked claims as he goes. The only time he’s ever retracted is when:

A.) the evidence is so overwhelmingly against him as in the 24 year old Kirkpatrick satire article.

B.) He’s libeled a private citizen who can’t claim is a public figure and open to such abuse, as in the recent Slut Walk photo misidentification.

Otherwise he will maintain he was right until the bitter end. Booker, Menendez, the MS Senate story, he got all those dead wrong but asserts over and over to this day that he was right about all of them.

As long as he has a micrometer of wiggle room he’ll continue to double down on the most factually inaccurate bullshit, because that’s his business model. He needs to remain controversial and polarizing, and the combination of raw, unsubstantiated assertion and obstinate refusal to accept basic facts when they emerge are his method for making sure the media keeps talking about him.