
American Family Association's Bryan Fischer: Impeach Obama Over DOMA

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]2/25/2011 1:42:19 pm PST

re: #98 researchok

I disagree. Beck is out and out crazy.

He likes the money to be sure, but the guy actally believes what he says.

How exactly can you tell?

I was done believing what he said when I saw the shots of him backstage applying the Vicks Vaporub to his cheeks to artifically make himself cry. And then PEOPLE ON LGF were using the fact that he cried as evidence he was totally intense and believed everything! It worked on commenters here, just sort of obliquely.

it’s all theater. it’s television. it’s all deception, just like reality shows, just like game shows, just like boxing, just like most TV, it’s nonsense to sell advertising.

I don’t believe a single thing Beck says on his show is sincere. I’ve known about the guy for 12 years. First time I heard Glenn Beck was 1999. His radio show was too clever and too selfaware for him to be suddenly “crazy”.

He had the same vocal cadence on his show I heard in 1999, when he was filling in for Lionel. and he was too expert at lifting other hosts’ entire shows, doing their schtick almost line for line (like Phil Hendrie, whose show Beck would come in to the studio and watch constantly)

Everything about Beck’s career says to me that the guy is a smart careerist and that’s it, just a cynic helping to ruin the country for a payday

Isn’t that how a lot of people are? They just want their payday, that’s it, consequences who cares