
Fox Nation Commenters Spew Hatred and Racism at First Lady Michelle Obama

lawhawk2/17/2012 1:15:27 pm PST

Well, what do you know - Former VP Dick Cheney has come out in support of same sex marriage in Maryland.

“By far the biggest boost came in the morning when Republican Del. Wade Kach, who was considered a sure-fire no vote, threw his support behind O’Malley’s bill. Kach had voted against the bill two days earlier in committee.

The Baltimore County delegate said he reached his decision after mulling the testimony he’d heard during a nearly 11-hour hearing on the bill last week and watching how same-sex couples supported one another. ‘I thought to myself, if my constituents were here, they’d have a different perspective on the issue,’ Kach said. ‘I’m sure of it.’

He also became the target of a last-minute lobby effort, and said his voice mail was full of messages from important people, including Mehlman, Bloomberg and an offer to talk with former Vice President Dick Cheney, whom Kach regards as a “great man.” [emphasis added]

I went full-on Liz Lemon when I read that. “What the what?!” I said outloud to my computer screen.

Despite having a out-and-proud lesbian daughter, Mary, Cheney’s politics have sent mixed messages to the gay community. Since leaving office he has stated that he supports same-sex marriage but would like to see the issue addressed at a state, not federal, level. However, as Vice-President, he remained largely silent when the Bush administration pushed for a constitutional amendment codifying opposite-sex marriage in case the already-on-the-books Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was challenged in court. President Bush eventually abandoned the idea after winning reelection in 2004, but Cheney was branded as disingenuous at best and disloyal at worst by many in LGBT community. Has the former VP and sometimes St. Michaels resident changed his tune? Or is he just expressing what he’s always believed, but felt he couldn’t officially endorse until now?