
Utah Governor Huntsman to GOP: 'You Can't Just Say No'

Salamantis4/29/2009 3:58:22 pm PDT

re: #1056 Zimriel

Coming from one of the yea votes on the Porkulus, Collins’s yapping is equivalent to the bark of a toothless chihuahua.

Collins is interested in remaining a member in good standing of this nation’s political class. She has not the least interest in individual liberty for anyone else; nor in growth in the private sector (as opposted to the too-big-to-fail businesses) nor in reducing government spending. “Fiscal conservative” to the likes of her means raising taxes to pay for the boondoggles her Democratic congressmen dream up.

It is not about social issues with Collins. Remember that. “Social issues” gives her cover to continue her fiscal betrayal of the Republican base, whom she despises.

So you disagree with her contention that we should heed Ronald Reagan’s words; right? Even if she didn’t…