
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Syrah1/31/2009 9:54:06 pm PST

re: #1075 formercorpsman

I hate to go out on those freaking conspiracy limbs.

But, I can’t logically wrap my brain around groups who demand more from private citizens in the form of taxes, and freedoms, all the while insisting we retard progress.

Seriously, in this country we have the largest number of people that are going to receive entitlements, placing a major burden on the people who have to support them. At the inception of social security, it was projected just over 33 people paying in would help for every one drawing it. I think the last numbers I have read were less than 3 now.

Pull in this global warming canard, and the carbon credit, (dispensations) and either the folks pushing this are looking for dictatorial control, or a second rebellion.

They are looking for slavery to a benevolent master. Barring that they would prefer the warm embrace of death.

That the master that they would enthrall themselves too would most likely be harsh, they do not give much thought to. I worry that what they really want is death.

Narcissistic Nihilism aims for death.