
THE Pope is STILL not that cool. Still demeaning women with the Pedestal.

shecky12/27/2013 2:38:19 pm PST

Hard to get upset about this one. Sounds like the complaint is that the Catholic guy is still Catholic.

This line of criticism just seems a bit tone deaf. Pope Francis makes news because he has departed from where Church leaders have ventured into the public forum. In the US in particular, Church leadership has made a point of becoming essentially a wing of the Republican party when it comes to legislating sexuality, and conveniently glossing over areas where Church teaching is in contrast to Republican politics. Francis has vocally criticized this approach and reinforced the notion that the Church is concerned with something other than whatever stirs your loins, like poverty, inequality, etc. All while taking a dim view of the politics of the religious one trick pony culture war approach we’ve seen with the joining of the Catholic church with the religious right.