
Report Calls L.A. a City in Decline, Warns of Crisis in Leadership

palomino1/08/2014 10:58:18 pm PST

re: #10 Dark_Falcon

You are wrong, sir. Crime is not driven by ‘inequality’, its driven by poor law enforcement practices in some places, but in LA it is the product of societal disfunction and family breakdown. Income gaps between the top and bottom of a society do not cause people to be badly educated: As RWC will tell you, the LA Unified School District spends a great deal per pupil but its results are poor. It needs sound reorganizing and maybe to be split up into two or three districts.

Moreover, crime is only one of the problems the report talks about. LA needs to reign in its spending as well, and deal with its pension problem. Those financial problems are not caused by inequality, they are caused by a tax-spend-elect mentality seen too often among California Democrats and an inability to efficiently provide services and manage costs.

Matters of equality are a society-as-a-whole concern that city governments can’t do much about; They should confine their focus to making the city well run and livable.

You honestly don’t think growing wealth inequality is a problem? Again you should look at history. Imagine a place where a few dozen families control as much wealth as the bottom HALF of the entire population. Oh, wait, that’s the place we live now. And it gets a little worse every day.

Now fast forward a few decades, with the growing income gap ever widening. Do you see a pretty picture in the future? Or do you see something that maybe you should be concerned about now?