
Chuck C. Johnson Quotes White Supremacist Source in His Latest Racist Rant

Dr. Matt7/07/2015 3:01:53 pm PDT

Damn. The Reddit commenters lit up CCJ:

I’m just not sure you fully understand the 1st amendment. You are claiming Twitter is restricting your first amendment rights, however, the 1st amendment deals with the government restricting freedom of speech and other rights. As Twitter is not a government entity they have the right to police their own service and restrict users how they see fit. I know this doesn’t exactly line up with your persecution complex, though.

It’s about a culture of free speech… unless you believe monopolies can just fuck with people.

More idiotic whining. Twitter is not a monopoly, there are many other social networks and platforms that you can use. In fact, it would be great if you’d find an alternative to Reddit so we don’t have to hear your mock outrage and bullshit.

Then stop calling it a violation of your first amendment rights as that is an inaccurate description meant to inflame your followers.