
Sunday Night Rhythms: PRD Mais, "Cabuleto/Batalhão/Bossanta"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/29/2018 9:44:10 pm PDT

re: #9 Brian J.

Hogwash, sadly. How many millions of potential customers do the media reject with their strident Republican support? Their industry is ailing and has been since the rise of the Internet and the fall of the classified ad. They believe that only state and GOP worship can save them. (In addition, many liberals still believe, against all available evidence, that the media is on their side and voluntarily give them subscription money.)

Well, I do not believe many in journalism actually believe that.

That said, given the corporate interests that dominate almost all of American journalism, it is very easy for entertainment to be dressed up as journalism (e.g., Fox News) and to find an audience of people who don’t care to find out the truth.