
Klinghoffer Speaks for Maimonides

American Sabra7/21/2009 8:30:14 pm PDT

Well I haven’t read the whole article, but he certainly doesn’t understand Maimonides. Here is a closer look at Maimonides thoughts:

Some medieval philosophical rationalists, such as Maimonides held that it was not required to read Genesis literally. In this view, one was obligated to understand Torah in a way that was compatible with the findings of science. Indeed, Maimonides, one of the great rabbis of the Middle Ages, wrote that if science and Torah were misaligned, it was either because science was not understood or the Torah was misinterpreted. Maimonides argued that if science proved a point, then the finding should be accepted and scripture should be interpreted accordingly. Rabbi Yitzchak of Akko (a 12th-century student of Maimonides, agreed with this view.