
John Birch Society: 2009 Was a 'Record Setting Year'

metrolibertarian1/09/2010 3:36:57 pm PST
But then there is the bad news. Simply put, it is unclear how long we can continue to operate at this level. Running our sites is expensive. Sending journalists abroad to key events is expensive. Expanding our capabilities, as we hope to do, is expensive. But it is absolutely essential as no one else reporting from a constitutional viewpoint is doing this. In other words, if we can’t keep doing it, no one else will.

What the hell is it with Paleoconservatives on the Internet and this flagrant panhandling? Robert Stacy McCain panhandles to be sent to Pasadena, California. The Jon Birch Society is busy begging and pleading so their General Jack Ripper theories can pollute even more minds. And World Net Daily basically wants everyone else to foot their legal bill and publicize their batshit promotions. I thought these people were about individual responsibility.