
Libertarian takes Onion seriously, argues in favor of letting Earth be hit by asteroid

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines3/06/2011 10:38:18 am PST
I think it’s O.K. to violate people’s rights (e.g. through taxation) if the result is that you protect people’s rights to some greater extent (e.g. through police, courts, the military).

Ok, then, Sasha, you and other extremist libertarians will be excused from paying taxes, but on one condition: It will be legal for anyone other than the government to steal any amount in currency or property or services, from you; provided such amount is less than what your tax burden would otherwise be. In that case, the taxes would be the greater violation and you would still be better off by your own lights. You are free to stop these thieves if you can, but must do so within the law, since they presumably have not abrogated their privilege of protection by the state. An exception would be made for theft by other fanatics like yourself. These could be stopped by any means possible, provided it is not a public nuisance; since they, like you, have removed themselves from the protection of the state. It would still be illegal of course to murder liberatarians, since we do not as yet have a monetary value on your life. Kidnapping for ransom must remain a gray area for now.