
Right Wing Media Desperately Deny Reality of Supreme Court Immigration Decision

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)6/25/2012 11:17:17 am PDT

re: #4 HappyWarrior

No worries. Mitt Romney will use his incredible pretzel logic to make it appear as if he opposed the Arizona law all along and never hired Kobach.

I think his string-pullers are going to keep him on his extremist anti-immigration line, actually. And I think it may cost him the election, but I think changing might also cost him the election.

The GOP has an actual problem: they’re the party for white people. They can’t change that with shitloads of spending, or their media outlets. Hispanics aren’t suddenly going to believe that Mitt “all of them should self-deport” Romney is trustable on this issue. He’ll get the votes of Hispanics for whom this issue is overridden by others, mostly the hyper-religious.

I’d be very surprised if he moves towards the middle. He may move towards the completely vague, but that’d be it.