
Breitbrat Joel Pollak: The "Lickspittle" Huffington Post Is Helping Obama Impose Fascism

Kragar2/11/2013 11:16:25 am PST

Tea Party Nation Wonders if John Roberts was ‘Blackmailed’ to Uphold Health Care Reform

Tea Party Nation president Judson Phillips sent members an email this morning entitled: ‘Was Chief Justice John Roberts Blackmailed To Support ObamaCare?’ Obviously, we had to check this out, and lo and behold it links to a tea party message board post about how Chief Justice Roberts changed his decision on the health care reform law after he was “blackmailed” by President Obama as part of an illegal adoption and child trafficking scheme.

It is now quite evident that the two Children were from Ireland. Even wikipedia references these adoptions at the time of Roberts’ confirmation, and indicates that the children were of Irish birth.

However Irish law 1) prohibits the adoption of Children to non-residents, and 2) also does not permit private adoptions, but rather has all adoptions go through a public agency.

Evidently Roberts arranged for this adoption through some sort of trafficking agency, that got the children out of Ireland and into that Latin American country, from which they were adopted, thereby circumventing two Irish laws — entirely illegal, but perhaps quasi-legitimized by the birth mothers (two) transporting the children out of Ireland.

Undoubtedly Roberts and his wife spent a great deal of money for this illegal process, circumventing Irish laws and arranging for the transit of two Irish children from separate birth-mothers to a foreign nation. Come 2012, those two children have been with the Roberts’ for roughly 10 years, since they were adopted as “infants”.