
The Onion's AV Club: Glenn Greenwald Loves Sony, Now That They've Bought the Rights to His Book

Justanotherhuman5/15/2014 3:07:47 pm PDT

Got problems, Putie-Pooh?

Russian police arrest dozens after killing provokes ethnic unrest

(Reuters) - Russian police detained nearly 60 people on Thursday after a demonstration venting anger against immigrants and demanding the arrest of an Uzbek man suspected of killing a local turned violent, Russian media reported.

“Some of the hundreds of protesters in the town of Pushkino, 30 km (20 miles) northeast of Moscow, chanted anti-immigrant slogans, toppled kiosks at a street market and attacked a bus, beating its driver, Ekho Moskvy radio reported.


“Putin’s pledge to protect Russian-speakers in Ukraine - by military force if necessary - seems to have increased the anger of Russian nationalists at home who accuse the government of ignoring their rights and going easy on migrants.” More