
Overnight Bad Lip Reading Remix: "Sing-Song Contest of America"

Justanotherhuman5/24/2014 5:14:10 am PDT

Why is it that people who don’t want the govt to be able to “spy” on them (their words—I never really feel “spied” upon except for those CCTV cams which are put up for security purposes, I assume), yet they want to take the latest I-phone or other method of recording others wherever they go? In fact, they think it’s their right to do whatever they wish in public with no repercussions and with no considerations for others or their privacy. I’m more afraid of those types than I am of what they complain about.

I’m so sick of this kind of crap and people who think they’re not bound by any rules, regulations or laws.

Just as I wouldn’t want to dine in a place that allowed guns, neither would I want people using devices that might be filming me, either. Too many people mixing up their perceived “rights” in private places (the property of another) with behaviors that violate the rights of others who might also be there. The law says you can’t refuse to serve someone because you don’t like who they are, not what they do when you do serve them.

The law is not keeping up with technology very well, and I think only the self-absorbed wearing their own Google glasses would want to eat in the same place as others doing the same. They could record each other as much as they wanted, by implied consent, since they’d all be doing it to each other. After all, who would be the first hypocrite to complain?