
US, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Bahrain Launch Airstrikes Against ISIS in Syria

Dark_Falcon9/22/2014 9:29:35 pm PDT

re: #104 klys

Maybe you should check the associations of your idols before posting about them, or just do some research in general before making blanket rah rah go team go statements.

I mean, once or twice I can get, but you kind of repeatedly fuck this one up. There was the bigot writing for Takimag, the fact that the ad mentioned downstairs is actually factually accurate, and now this bit about how you despise Klayman and yet you didn’t remember that Ted Cruz appeared at the rally with him last year? And that’s off the top of my head in the last two weeks or so.

Point 1: I don’t visit Takimag, so I did not know Dalrymple posted there. As soon as I knew, I took down the Page I’d put up.

Point 2: I’m not going to apologize much for forgetting something that happened last year. I corrected myself, but that’s as far as it goes.