
ADL Director Foxman: Anti-Mosque Rally on 9/11 is 'Un-American'

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/02/2010 4:00:21 pm PDT

re: #95 jamesfirecat

This part really did it for me…

“Yet another big difference is that frankly, Irish people are vastly more civilized than most cultures in the M.E.”

You’re going out on a ledge there and it leads to some dangerous presumptions if you ask me…

Why? Do Irish people murder their daughters if they talk to the wrong boy?

Do Irish people publicly execute people for being gay?

Can most Irish people read?

Is Ireland under the sway of brutal theocrats?

Where is this ledge?

Or is it simply that you think that honor killings, brutal public executions, the belief that murdering people gets you virgins in heaven, and rampant illiteracy are the marks of a civilized society?

Do civilized people cheer and pass out sweets after they gun down pregnant women?