
Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller Doesn't Even Blink, Just Keeps Hyping Absurd 'BOMBSHELL' Video

Dark_Falcon10/03/2012 11:15:52 am PDT

Part of the MBF’s fee was that post a couple links to Glen Greenwald’s epic-level hatred of America, to the point that he hates Democrats and Republicans equally:

Obama’s Libya response highlights his foreign policy mentality
xtreme secrecy, extrajudicial assassinations, and a self-perpetuating militarism are driving Benghazi responses

Three new articles - one today from the New York Times, one today from Associated Press, and another on Tuesday from the Washington Post - describe the approach being planned by the Obama administration to the consulate attack in Benghazi. All three highlight the standard and now-familiar attributes of Obama’s approach to foreign policy.

The Times describes how the Pentagon and CIA are “laying the groundwork for operations to kill or capture militants implicated in the deadly attack on a diplomatic mission in Libya”, while “the top-secret Joint Special Operations Command is compiling so-called target packages of detailed information about the suspects.” That could “include drone strikes, Special Operations raids like the one that killed Osama bin Laden and joint missions with Libyan authorities.” The Post adds that “the White House has held a series of secret meetings in recent months to examine the threat posed by al-Qaida’s franchise in North Africa and consider for the first time whether to prepare for unilateral strikes.”


(2) President Obama has repeatedly vowed that those responsible for the Benghazi attacks will be “brought to justice”. That term is Obama-speak for: I will order people summarily executed without a whiff of due process or transparency, based purely on my say-so and my suspicions (just as it was Bush-speak for the same concept).

In other words, Obama “justice” means summary assassinations ordered in secret without a even a pretense of due process. As Glaser wrote, the reported Libya approach “demonstrates their preference to kill suspected perpetrators as opposed to apprehending suspects and carrying out a transparent trial in court, something the administration seems long ago to have abandoned in favor of night raids or drone strikes.” Moreover, just as “terrorist” means “those the US government accuses of being a terrorist,” the term “responsible for the Benghazi attack” means: those whom the president secretly decides is guilty.