
John Oliver's Deep Dive Into a Subject Trump Knows Zero About: Automation [VIDEO]

Citizen K3/04/2019 3:09:28 pm PST

re: #107 KGxvi

If Israel continues down the path that Netanyahu has set for it, we are going to have to re-evaluate our relationship with them. Bibi has made it clear that there will be no two state solution on his watch. That means a one state solution - and there’s two possible outcomes for a one state solution: a pluralistic, secular state; or, an apartheid state.

And the apartheid state is probably much more likely under Bibi than a pluralistic secular state.

I feel like re-evaluating our relationship with Israel has been at least 5 years or more in the making, at minimum. Netanyahu’s recent moves of shoring up the extreme nationalist right-wing parties there should be setting off massive sirens. The idea that we should be questioning our reflexive defense of Israel is something that should be embraced more, but instead we’re going extra-hard in the other direction of trying to make it illegal to boycott or criticize Israel at all.

And I don’t fault that on Israel as a country as a whole so much as it is, once again, Netanyahu, Likud, and the same psychotic nationalist fervor that seems to link Likud and the GOP as fellow travelers, same way as Putin and his other Boy Band Authoritarians that Trump so adores.