
Louisiana BOE Adopts New Policy Favoring Creationism

113 4:16:20 pm PST

re: #59 freetoken

. ..
Such a fundamental truth… people don’t want to hear what will not support their inner voice…

Did you read the article Jaunte linked?

Morton’s demon is a concept that derives from Maxwell’s demon and was created by ex-creationist Glenn Morton. Maxwell’s demon was a thought experiment where a demon could stand at a gate between two rooms and open the gate to let fast moving particles into one room and slow moving particles into the opposite room. This would create a temperature differential that could be used to perform work. Since it was thought that the demon did not expend energy to create this differential, it was believed that such a system could create a perpetual motion machine.

Morton proposed that a similar demon stands at the gate of the mind of creationists and other anti-evolutionists that only allows in evidence confirming their world view, and shuts out any disconfirming evidence. It is this demon that allows them to maintain their world view in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.