
Somalis Protest Against CAIR in Minneapolis

FurryOldGuyJeans6/12/2009 9:57:06 am PDT

Convict stages son’s bar mitzvah in NYC jail
Jun. 11, 2009 02:57 PM
Associated Press

NEW YORK - The young boy read from the Torah during his bar mitzvah, his guests enjoyed a catered kosher spread and the proud father returned to his cell.

The party for the son of a convicted scam artist was held at a New York City jail, and city taxpayers paid overtime for some of the jail staff to help out.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg was fuming Thursday after learning of the bar mitzvah held at the lower Manhattan lockdown known as The Tombs.

A Correction Department spokesman confirmed that five staff members were disciplined over the December bash, which was reported in the New York Post on Thursday.

Bloomberg said the bar mitzvah should not have happened.