
Robertson: Gay People Deliberately Spread HIV/AIDS by Cutting People With Special Rings

A Mom Anon8/27/2013 1:39:38 pm PDT

re: #97 Charles Johnson

I just told a friend of mine this morning to shush about the NSA until she shuts down her Twitter and Facebook accounts, quits entering every contest she can sign up for and gets rid of the 11, yes, ELEVEN credit cards(most from various dept stores, like Kohl’s, Macy’s etc)she uses all the time, and the store discount club cards she has for all the area grocery stores and gas stations. Her cell phone’s gonna have to go too, and the GPS in her car. All those things provide more info to third parties than anything the NSA might be doing. Like they give a shit about the conversations we have about our dogs and when we’re going for walks. Please.

She’s been kinda quiet since then, lol.