
Rachel Maddow roasts the GOP over government shutdown

Kragar10/01/2013 11:56:32 am PDT

Glenn Beck Vows To Camp Outside Of Louie Gohmert’s House Until He Agrees To Runs For US Senate

“Last night, I made up my mind,” Beck declared. “I am going to camp outside of Louie Gohmert’s house if I have to, and I mean it. I am going to be Louie Gohmert’s worst nightmare until he says ‘yes, I’m going to run for Senate.”

Beck went on to call upon his listening audience to take over the various government institutions in their respective hometowns and “make sure there is not a single progressive that is running our towns, there’s not a single progressive on our city councils, there’s not a single progressive in our school boards … Zero tolerance!”

But the Democrats need to negotiate.