
AL and MS GOP Voters Think Obama's a Muslim, Interracial Marriage Should Be Illegal

Eclectic Cyborg3/12/2012 12:13:49 pm PDT

I grew up in a very Liberal part of Canada. I have spent the last 5 years in the very conservative state of Mississippi. The change in political views from one to the other has been night and day.

Christianity is big down here, REALLY big. In fact, it seems that Mississippi and Alabama come in at #1 and #2 on the list of states that place a high importance on religion:

A lot of people I know are proud to be government hating, Obama hating, Muslim hating followers of Jesus.

There’s a good reason you hardly see ANY middle eastern people down here. They wouldn’t be treated or accepted well at all. There IS an Islamic center in the city where I live but it has few worshippers.