
Overnight Open Thread

godfrey2/27/2009 8:31:40 am PST

re: #1098 SFGoth

All temporary conditions. Reagan and Thatcher came into office when it seemed impossible to do so. There is nothing done that cannot be undone.

The GOP desperately needs young, intelligent, experienced, articulate, passionate, and upstanding men and women to run for public office — if only to keep those offices out of the hands of the tranzis.

Do you want the State to tell you what you can and can’t do?
Do you want the State to skim your paycheck more and more, every pay period?
Do you want the State to turn over our country to an international elite?
Do you want the State to run more and more of your life?

You do? Vote Democrat. If you don’t, vote for people who will take this country off the path to totalitarianism.