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Justanotherhuman9/24/2013 4:45:57 am PDT

In yet another self-serving, blowhard piece in the Guardian, GG admits that both he and Laura Poitras have a full set of the documents Snowden stole from the NSA and hints at more “revelations”.

He replies to a commenter thusly:

23 September 2013 11:31pm

‘Yes, and you are not entitled to possess them.’

“But I do possess them and will continue to not only possess them, but write about them and publish them. And in a country which purports to guarantee a free press (that includes the US, but not the UK), I’m absolutely entitled to do both.

“And I’ll continue to.

‘They were stolen by Snowden, a wanted man.’

“Actually, he has legally recognized asylum in a sovereign country.”

That Russia took Snowden in doesn’t mean that Snowden is not wanted by the US, and the last I heard, there is a provisional warrant outstanding for him based on charges already publicized, including espionage.

And now GG has admitted both his and Poitras’s culpability in releasing secret govt information—stolen govt information. No wonder they don’t bother coming back to the US—they know their asses are in a sling.

In criminal law parlance, that’s known as “receiving stolen goods.”