
New From Keith Olbermann: Trump Is Panicking About Russia

Citizen K5/02/2017 7:41:59 pm PDT

Two days.

I lasted two days. I tried to disconnect. I really did. This shit makes me depressed.

But what makes me more depressed is how nigh-impossible it is to escape it. Even trying to wrap myself up in games and Netflix, it doesn’t matter. Incidental conversation, online or in-person, a random alert here or there, or even just overheard things on the street, it’s fucking everywhere.

And it seems to have only gotten worse, and worse, and worse. Just…fuck it. Crucify Hillary and Obama. Outlaw the Democratic party at this rate. I know the fuckers want to. Just ban all the liberals, brown people, atheists, Muslims, etc. Apparently it’s all better than daring to have someone less pure than fucking Bernie Sanders as nominee, because the media just fucking LOOOOOOOOOOVES them some Trump and the GOP now, because god help them, it lets them indulge in all the fucking Hippie Punching they want, while the ones who might actually count hippies among their crowd are busy burning down the fucking house and ensuring what may be a fucking permanent GOP rule for-fucking-ever.

And now Stephen Colbert, the one sole highlight of my aborted hiatus (outside of Jimmy Kimmel’s amazing monologue), is now becoming persona non grata, and no matter what we do, he’s probably going to be turned toxic as well.

I hate feeling like I’m drowning in futility, but that’s what it feels like at this point. I feel like there’s absolutely no fucking light at the end of this shitty tunnel, no matter how hard we fight, because the rest of the fucking country has already decided we are the great evil to be buried forever, and letting pure contrarian spite win the day, and hey, why fucking not, the media will tell us we’re wrong on fucking everything anyways, fo YAY, AMERICA IS GREAT AGAIN, LONG AS WE SHIV THE CLINTON BITCH AND CRUCIFY THE BLACK PRESIDENT!

I fucking hate everything.