
Acoustic Guitar Excellence of the Day: Spencer Elliott, "Yin"

weave5/06/2017 4:35:16 pm PDT

From the basement…

re: #309 Birth Control Works

So… true confession time. I’m a tech director at a megachurch. I’ve directed loads of faith healing services over my years. I know what shots to take and what shots to not take to “tell the story.” I watch people intently. I can honestly say I’ve never seen a legit faith healing. People get pumped up from adrenaline. When a preacher picks a person in a wheelchair to walk again, they aren’t going to go for the C5 quadriplegic. They are going to go for someone with painful joint and mobility issues. Something adrenaline can help temporarily get you out of that wheelchair and moving.

So of course my camera guys are going to grab that, but the shots I’m not picking are the ones where I tell a camera guy to track the person after the focus is off of them. They end up back in their wheelchair, or back the next day same as before. But I watch them closely. Because deep inside I want to believe. But every day I know more and more it’s all almost certainly bullshit.

And it’s sad because they won’t say anything because in their mind they think that their faith is lacking and they are ashamed — and they’ve lost their healing.

It’s really despicable, and so am I for keeping this job. It eats at me, but I make excuses like people who work for the state lottery board don’t play the lottery, or the skinny little people working at the ice cream shops don’t eat their own store’s products.

Maybe I should write a book one day. Not that it’d make a difference. Those who’d really need to read it would dismiss it and me as a tool of Satan.

Anyway, TL;DR — Mike Pence is full of shit. I know it. I live it.