
Palin Twittering

haakondahl7/17/2009 12:46:23 pm PDT

re: #113 drcordell

I’m not a crazy, stupid, hippie, I’m a pragmatist. Energy independence is a national security issue. We consume 25% of the world’s oil, and don’t have anywhere near 25% of the supply. That means unless we want to continue being Saudi Arabia’s bitch, we’d better get on the ball and figure out a way to wean ourselves from their teat. Why Republicans can’t seize upon this issue in any other way besides chanting “drill baby drill” I don’t understand.

Nuclear power. Plenty of seaside reactors which A) produce copious amounts of electricity, B) desalinate massive amounts of seawater for drinking and other potable use, and C) separate water into oxygen and hydrogen for distribution in a fuel cell system.

If we can just convince the no-nukes hippies and the corn-burning special interest idiots.