Comment's Erickson: Hear Me Now, We Are Insurrecting

eastsider5/10/2010 10:43:35 am PDT

Can someone help me understand the tea partiers strategy?

At best, the end game is they take over say 10-15% of seats in the house and Senate. And what’re they going to do? participate less than Republicans have been? Obstruct more?

Its not exactly like the GOP has been going along quietly with Obama & the dems actions. Nor has any policy been so extremely “socialist” (that’s what they’re calling it) that it should warrant this kind of reaction.

I just don’t get it, its like they’re saying “people should listen to us, and put us in office, so we can be more obstructive, obtuse, rude and short sighted than those currently in power.”

They’re so alarmingly childish and immature….I just don’t understand how those traits come off as appealing to any prospective voters.