
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): Not Teaching Creationism Is 'Censorship'

Dark_Falcon11/30/2011 11:11:39 pm PST

re: #113 bloodstar

I can’t bother wasting anymore time on Santorum, Bachmann, Cain, or Perry.

I’m saving my fire for our next republican nominee: Gingrich. :)

Romney is not going to be the nominee, and I’m still not sure why people thought he was going to get it.

It seemed like it was ‘his turn’ and he seemed electable. My problem with him has become that he stands for nothing but a desire to be president. In that regard, he’s worse than Gingrich, and worse than Obama as well. Both Barack and Newt want to be president because they have things they want to do and they need the presidency to enact them. Romney seems to just want to be president.