
Seth Meyers: Trump Pushes Another Tax Cut for the Wealthy, Calls for End to Russia Probe

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷8/01/2018 10:24:56 pm PDT

Now I’m caught up with the last thread.

re: #316 BeachDem

Kind of funny too that last night there was quite a discussion about how only old ladies write checks. I am an old lady who pays all bills online, uses a chip card when shopping, but still write checks for things like:

Attending a fundraiser and wanting to “prime the pump” with an in person donation.
Paying dues to local organizations that do not have credit card setups.
Paying my hairdresser, who prefers checks so she doesn’t have to pay merchant fees.

I also cross the divide with a desktop, laptop, two tablets, a smartphone AND a landline (actually, now it’s a digital service through my cable company—and glory be—I still have cable!)

I’d say get off my lawn, but I live in a condo/

I noted yesterday we use cheques or cash for nearly everything at home, since almost no one takes credit cards and no local banks issue debit cards. In the rare instance I purchase something where the company doesn’t want to take a cheque or cash (like when we bought our car), I use a money order. (The Mercedes dealer was somewhat confused about taking a money order to buy a car, but they accepted it.)

My ATM card is good all over the world for getting money (and my bank doesn’t charge a fee for using a non-local bank ATM).