
No Health Care Vote Before August Break

Cato the Elder7/29/2009 12:19:04 pm PDT

Hey, Charles: Despite claiming they would take action, it’s been a month since I told the folks at Amazon Kindle about “Jimmy Dale” and his nearly 3,000 rip-off e-books - where he’s copying from Wikipedia (badly) and selling the (crap) results as “books”. Or cutting and pasting from Catholic and Jewish websites on how to pray and flogging free religious stuff for pay. They didn’t even remove the one I specifically complained about and got a refund for.

So today I tipped the NYT and WaPo business desks a wink. They were, shall we say, very interested. Immediate callbacks. Still waiting on the Boston Globe. The name “Jimmy Dale” may soon become a household word, at least in households that read.

The Orwell stuff was just the tip of the iceberg. Kindle needs to clean house or it will become the Craigslist of online booksellers.