
Major Science Organizations Send Letter to US Senate on Climate Change

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/22/2009 1:37:25 pm PDT

re: #101 Honorary Yooper

It’s not just America. They do this in Asia and Europe as well wheneven they can.

Truth. It is world wide.

The point is that you will not get a free market fix to AGW, without the government kicking it off, because the average person doe not agitate for more green products or more real green solutions when push comes to shove.

no one boycotts their power company or switches to another one (if they could) because their are too many coal plants.

There is no free market pressure there even if the public could be convinced. In things like cars and housing etc… sure people like the ides in the abstract of more green, but there is as yet insufficient option to buy that is affordable without a government jump start.