
Final Presidential Debate 2012, Thread Four, Wrap-Up Part 2

goddamnedfrank10/23/2012 1:02:01 am PDT

re: #109 Shiplord Kirel

I think we’re going to have trouble from the fundamentalist right even if Romney wins. He is an opportunist and has no real connection with, or empathy for, their red-meat, tea party, neo-confederate, Bible thumper ideas or lifestyle. He has no use for their agenda except to get himself into office. Once that is accomplished, he won’t even know the cat that drug them in. They are going under the bus, and they will resent it.

Romney’s real problem, should he win, is that he’s going to have to preside over an economic miracle while dealing with a divided Congress. His plan for the deficit amounts to raw prayer and he’s got nothing when it comes to dealing with the debt. The GOP House isn’t going to send him any tax increases on the wealthy and the Democratic Senate isn’t going to approve any of his conservative social changes. They’ll also emulate GOP intransigence on advice and consent from a majority position, blocking many of his judicial appointments and cabinet nominations. If he get’s his military spending increase it’ll just exacerbate the debt explosion any tax breaks create. There simply aren’t enough personal income tax deductions to come close to paying for that, and each one that gets eliminated is another drag on the economy.

On top of that everything his populist rhetoric is at odds with what big business wants. He can’t actually back up his jingoism regarding China but he’s said enough shit to guarantee neither they nor Russia will cooperate with him on almost anything involving the Security Council.

All this happens even if we don’t get involved in a shooting war with Iran. If we do then the shit really hits the fan.