
CPAC's Attempt at Covering Up a Minor Server Glitch Backfires

electrotek2/25/2015 4:35:28 pm PST

So now we have Iranian-American crackpots under the influence of Fox News saying that Sharia law is here in America:

( - Iranian American Lisa Daftari, an investigative journalist and contributor to Fox News, said on Friday that Sharia law is being followed by practitioners of radical Islam right here in the United States, even if many Americans think of the human rights abuses towards women by these practitioners as something that only takes place in the Middle East and Africa.

“And some might ask why should Americans care about what goes on in those countries?” asked Daftar, whose family fled Iran during the 1979 revolution that overthrew Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and established an Islamic state in the country. “How about tolerance for other practices; respect for Sharia law - the cultural and religious differences?

“Well the answer is it’s not just contained to that part of the world,” Daftari said. “It’s here.

Now what is it with the Iranian diaspora peddling such crap?