
Death Sentence for Translating the Koran

jcm2/06/2009 10:24:13 am PST

re: #64 Summer

These people truly are insane and in the dark ages.

They should be asking themselves why, if their book is so magical, do they all live in the most war-torn and depressingly ignorant countries in the world?

And if we have to wait another five hundred years for them to come out of their own dark ages, we’ll never make it. At the rate that weapons kill these days, they’ll kill us all before they reach true enlightened liberation for their senses.

It’s so fucking depressing.

Churchill called it “fearful, fatal, apathy” it’s embodied in the word “Inshallah” or Allah wills it. We cultural fail to wrap our minds around the power of “Inshallah.”

Allah wills that they live in the state they live in. To try and change it is to go against the will of Allah. It also gives the relevance to he homicide bombers, it’s Allah’s will they blow them selves up, and Allah’s will that the victims get blown up. Who are we to complain and challenge the will of Allah.

“Inshallah” is use by the Theocracy to maintain their hold on power, they are the sole arbiters of the will of Allah, and cannot, must not be challenged.

It’s deeply engrained in Islamic / Arab culture this concept of “Inshallah” we in the west have a lot of trouble coming to terms with it.