
National Review's Anti-Endorsement of Newt Gingrich

palomino12/14/2011 9:58:15 pm PST

re: #112 HappyWarrior

I don’t know if I’d compare the CSA to Nazi Germany but they definitely were a bunch of monsters. Try viewing them how as a 1860’s African American. This is a regime that as founded to protect the institution that made your family second class citizens. And captured black union soldiers were treated horribly. If they weren’t executed on site, they would be sent back into slavery. I have no patience as a Virginian I’ll add for the CSA. It was a happy day when the CSA fell.

As a Texan I couldn’t agree with you more about the CSA. I still remember all the talk I heard as a kid of the “South rising again.” People just loved the romance of the CSA and Rebels. My attitude was: What the hell is wrong with you people? Why do you have fondness for an extinct country built around slavery?