
It's Come to This: QAnon Freaks Are Running for US Senate

Jay C5/21/2020 5:42:49 am PDT

Going back to the OP, I see from this dKos diary, that Jo Rae Perkins is already disavowing (or rather, trying - soon to be desperately-trying, I am sure) her QAnon “connections”: yanking her Q video, and now claiming it was all just a harmless exercise in “free speech”:

“I’m disheartened that… my words were already being spun through the fake news machine and taken out of context. I was not endorsing QAnon, but rather stating that I appreciate the fact that there is still free speech in this country that allows for voices—including whistleblowers from both sides of the aisle—that may, or may not, bring to light issues Americans need to be aware of.”

“Issues” like 5G mind-control chips? Cannibal pedophile rings? Sure…

Sorry, Jo: the Internet is forever.

But she will still be on the ballot as the official (R) candidate…..