
Anti-Muslim Demagogue Pamela Geller's Firehose of Hate Speech

Destro4/20/2013 7:03:39 pm PDT

re: #113 ProBosniaLiberal

This is the thing with the Chechyans (and really every other group in that little cluster there).

If Russia was not so aggressive in Russification, and the Russian Orthodox Church not so aggressive in trying to convert non-Orthodox, the those people would not have thought about siding with Hitler. The people there have never been given a choice, and reparations never made.

At least with our Native Americans, we do realize we did a fucked up thing, and try to fix it. Thing is, the US has become schizophrenic recently, and thus the have ended up neglected. We should be negotiating pacts in terms of revenue sharing in regards to the tribes, so they can can funds to equalize the societal gap between them and the rest of the US.

There was no mass scale Orthodox conversion efforts under Stalin nor even under the Czars. That’s why the Caucuses have a Buddhist Republic within Russia to this day.