
Pelosi Admits Being Told About Waterboarding, But...

dhg44/29/2009 9:41:36 am PDT

So she says that even though she was told that coercive interrogation was legal she didn’t think it would be used. She has even less integrity than Ted Kennedy.

Andrew McCarthy writes:

So Sen. Ted Kennedy proposed an amendment to the Military Commissions Act (MCA) then under consideration. His measure would, finally, have brought clarity to the legal status of waterboarding. It would have expressly defined the procedure as a violation of Common Article 3 (CA3) of the Geneva Conventions, putting it on a par with “torture” — which is specified in CA3 — and making it punishable as a war crime.

This was ahead of the mid-terms in 2006. But once Democrats controlled the legislative and executive branches and could have passed such a law on the strength of party line votes, no Democrat attempted to. So the classification of waterboarding as a war crime was a political stunt.

Ted Kennedy was at least willing to pretend that he wanted to outlaw waterboarding. Nancy Pelosi didn’t even have the guts to pretend.