
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): We're Not Afraid of a Shutdown

Dr Lizardo9/29/2013 5:25:38 pm PDT

re: #5 Randall Gross

After this fiasco and the last there’s absolutely nothing a Republican can do that will ever make me vote for one of them again in this lifetime.

If the GOP rid themselves of every last Teahadi/Ayn Randian/Fundie/White Nationalist/neo-Confederate revanchist - and anyone I may have missed - apologized to the American people, and indeed the world, for the lunacy they’ve inflicted, adjusted their social views to be more in line with the 21st century, and less like pre-Enlightenment feudal Europe, dumped the blatant misogyny/bigotry/general atavism/misanthropic attitudes and started nominating as their candidates for elected office folks in the mould of Dwight D. Eisenhower, I might think about it. Not saying I would, but I’d give it consideration.