
The Instant that Ended a Police Career

palomino3/27/2015 5:06:48 pm PDT

So what if this guy “lost his police career over a single instant”? That’s not some earth shattering tragedy. That’s actually the way it’s supposed to work when a cop screws up egregiously.

Kinda like when a teacher loses their career over a single incident of hitting or fucking a student. Or when a bus driver loses his job over a single incident of on the job drunk driving. Or when an accountant loses their finance career over a single incident of fraud or embezzlement. Or a surgeon loses his medical career over a single incident of operating while high on the same drugs he just used to sedate his patient. The list could go on forever.

Why is it any more “sad” when a cop loses his job? When they fuck up, they can cause a lot of damage; the threshold for losing their jobs shouldn’t be that high.