
Stormfront or SJW?

Orange Impostor5/01/2015 6:36:52 am PDT

re: #9 Nyet

Just a couple of points.

The “you” I had wasn’t a targeted at you specifically, it was directed as a general identifier toward those individuals who leap to defend the Gamergate tactics -I apologize if you interpreted it that way, it was not intended.

There is a significant amount of bad press that is coming out about the movement lately, most recently the fact that the GG members getting tossed from the Calgary Comic Expo by the Calgary Police Department - and banned from attending any future events.

It should be noted that the group announced their intention to attend the convention was on the militant MRA “A voice for men” website.

An aside, this entire discussion got derailed because there were a couple of individuals who updinged the page article that attempted to equate neo-Nazis to the social justice movement - an utterly dishonest false equivalence if I ever saw one.