
Y'All Qaeda Militia Posts Two Signs, Manages to Misspell Two Words

Dr Lizardo1/04/2016 10:48:16 am PST

This is just too delicious not to share. The Freepers are pissed at Ted Cruz for telling these knuckleheads to stand down.

A small sampling:

Our Founding Fathers did not “stand down” to defend liberty!!!


No they did not. If this is an example of Cruz’s scholarship… he is way overrated.


Has Ted Cruz conveyed the same message to Black Lives Matter protestors?


Ted Cruz is WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bundy’s ranch stand off was a bad hill to die on.

This cause is a far stronger one. The father and son did their time over something that they should not have had to go to jail for …. and now a judge wants to set aside the spirit of double jeopardy to make them serve an even longer term because of “minimum” sentencing lawsx


This plays right into the rat`s hands, right when they`re going for ‘executive action’ on their precious gun control. It screams False Flag, too much coincidence for me.


Shorter feverswamp ravings? TED CRUZ IS A RINO!!11!